About Us

Robert Noell

Robert Noell got his start selling Fords in Southern California back in the early-1980's. His sales talent and training abilities were spotted by a Ford sales trainer in 1988 and Robert has been training and consulting dealerships ever since.

Robert Noell & Associates is an Automotive Sales Training organization based in Cary, North Carolina. Robert Noell got his start selling Fords in Southern California back in the early-1980's. His sales talent and training abilities were spotted by a Ford sales trainer in 1988 and Robert has been training and consulting dealerships ever since.

Robert Noell on the lot training automotive salespeopleOur philosophy is simple... Build relationships, Build value and never be afraid to ask for the sale. No Smoke, no mirrors, no heat.

Our approach is revolutionary... Don't hide in a hotel ballroom, conference room or training center. Instead, go to the dealership and train salespeople and managers, then STAY and help them close deals. Real customers, real deals, real walkaround presentations, real demo drives, real desking help and real T/O's to help close deals.

Robert Noell on the lot training automotive salespeopleMost trainers stay far away from the sales floor. Robert Noell & Associates welcome the opportunity to show your sales staff new techniques in the field. Robert Noell & Associates has pioneered many successful sales concepts, such as Foundation, Residual Based Financing and Hybrid Leasing. Techniques the sales people and managers are more eager to embrace when they see how effective they are with real customers. No theory, no fantasy... Just real-world, time-tested techniques to help you sell more cars, make more money and get higher CSI.


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